The #30SecondBookTalk is back and this season promises to be the best ever! Get ready, y'all! Because we can’t wait to see who earns the title of WORLD BOOK TALK CHAMPION!
Each year, Brad Gustafson and I host an epic podcast featuring 16 book-talkers from around the globe. Then, tens of thousands of readers vote to decide which epic educator will take home the coveted Vince Lombooki Digital Badge, the title of World Book Talk Champion, PLUS a host of other goodies from our friends at Scholastic.
But first, we need to hear from you!
If you think you have what it takes to be a Lead Learner (coached by Brad) or a Literacy Legend (coached by me), show us what you got by filling out this short form! This year, we're asking all potential book talkers to submit a short (30 seconds or less!) video demonstrating why they've got what it takes to bring home the book talk gold! There's more information in the form itself, but if you're looking for inspiration, here are last year’s final four finalists to help jump start your creativity.
That said, you’ll want to respond to this casting call ASAP. Videos are due by March 22nd. We’ll announce this year’s teams by doing a “live draft” on Facebook Live on Tuesday, March 26th at 1:30pm PT/3:30pm CST during our regular broadcast of #ReadThisNow on FBLive. (The live draft will also be shared on Twitter and Instagram after the fact).
The #30SecondBookTalk is one of our favorite events of the year. We are always blown away by the passion of those who participate, and we also know that when adults talk about the books they love with kids, those same kids can’t help but be inspired.
Passion is contagious, so… let the games begin! We can’t wait to get this literacy-party started. #literacylegends4thewin