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🖍️ Library Girl Reading Challenges: October

Just for fun, I’ve started creating monthly reading challenges for readers of all ages. Here's the one for October!

Although Anne of Green Gables isn't the touchstone book for me that it is for some people, I agree with the character who said, "I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." I love it when the weather turns colder, the leaves start to show off their fall colors and people begin decorating their homes for Halloween. Indeed, my love for the best month of the year (don't try to convince me otherwise!) inspired this month's coloring sheet!

As a reminder, back in January, I decided to create monthly "reading challenges" that:

  • focus on authentic reasons for reading (instead of having kids log page numbers, etc), and...

  • couple reading with coloring BECAUSE both reading and coloring are proven stress relievers - and I feel like we all could use a bit less stress right now.

 You can download this resource, and all the other month's challenges, here.

Finally, I've gotten some questions about how I create these. I use a combination of the following tools to create the monthly book challenge (and the book related) coloring sheets I share. Each coloring sheet takes me between 4-10 hours to create. (I'm slow).

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