The World Championship of Book Talk videos started with 16 creative educators from several continents. They came together around a common cause and each produced a short (30 second) book talk video. The rest is history!

After over 29,000 votes were cast we have a winner. Congratulations to Bronwyn Merritt and the Literacy Legends team. You can see Bronwyn 's #30SecondBookTalk video HERE along with the other finalists. In addition to taking home the hardware (also known as a Vince Lombooki Digital Badge), Bro nwyn's classroom will receive $500.00 in books from cool is that?! As with all great things, this was a labor of love that could not have happened without lots of amazing people. In addition to thanking everyone who participated , we'd also like to recognize several educators who are empowering kids to collaborate on similar book talk video projects. Here are just a few of our favorites:
An entire school staff goes head-to-head in this #30SecondBookTalk spin-off.
This crazy-cool FlipGrid contains several student book talk videos.
This Elementary School that went all in for the #30secondbooktalk challenge at their school!
You can add your book talk projects to the #30SecondBookTalk hashtag on Twitter
Finally, I can't post this without thanking my co-commissioner Dr. Brad Gustafson. The #30SecondBookTalk Challenge was 100% his brainchild and I'm honored that he asked me to be a part of it. Thank you, friend! You inspire me ever single day. As we reflect back on the journey we know that it wasn't just Bronwyn's class who won, it was the countless students and educators who got to experience the joy of reading and talking about the books they love. Congrats to everyone who participated and a special shoutout to the #literacylegends who brought home the hardware once again. I've no doubt that the #leadlearners will bring it next year, but until then, happy reading everyone!