At last! The moment you've all been waiting for is finally here! It's time to announce which #30SecondBookTalk competitors have advanced to the FINAL FOUR!
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Our Final Four #30SecondBookTalks are INCREDIBLE! All of our competitors stepped it up for the final round and I'm just glad I don't have to choose who the winner will be!
That's YOUR job!
Use the form below to watch our final four #30secondbooktalks and to cast your vote for who you think should be crowned WORD BOOK TALK CHAMPION! Thousands of educators and their students voted in round one and we hope even more will help us decide who should take home the grand prize!
Direct link to voting form:
You can also vote via Twitter by using the #30secondbooktalk hashtag to share your choice with the world. Voting will stay open until February 29th! Then look for an announcement during the first week of March revealing who, as WORLD BOOK TALK CHAMPION, will take home the legendary Vince LomBOOKi prize!
That said, if you didn't vote in round one and have no idea what I'm talking about, never fear! Everything you ever wanted to know about the Super Bowl of Book Talks can be found right here. And right here. And also right here!
Finally, big BIG thanks again to everyone who has helped make our crazy idea come true! It's no secret that my loyalties lie firmly in camp #litearcylegend, but ultimately, no matter who takes home the crown, when adults share their love of reading by talking about the books they love, it's kids who win! Still. The #literacylegends totally have this in the bag. :)
Good luck to our Final Four and happy voting, everyone!